Monday, 29 April 2013

My New Blog!

Why hello there! Welcome to my new blog.

Before I start on ranting about my life, Id just like to take some time to thank whoever you are for reading this because I'm sure you have something better to do than this. Yay!

So, basically I started this blog to share my little journeys in life, traveling as well as some personal thoughts. I do have another blog previously but let's just leave that blog to one side for the moment. Right now some of you might be wondering what is she doing ? Why is she not in uni ? Well, fret not cause I shall explain my situation right now. =)

I just finished or actually I finished my Foundations Program at the University of Tasmania, Australia last year October. So I've pretty much been on a holiday since November. I decided not to go back to Australia instead I applied to a few universities in the United Kingdom (Thumbs up for British people) Anyway, back to the point I got some offers from a few uni's in which I picked the University of Leeds. My semester does not start till September and therefore one can sort of say that I took a gap year off. Since i'm literally not studying for about 11 months and more. So yes! That's the reason why many of you see me hanging around back home.

But I've not been wasting time doing nothing. Since returning from Australia I had the awesome privilege of obtaining a Open Water Diving licence from Downbelow. For those who would love to try this out i'll put the link at the end of this post. It was a great experience and I highly recommend anyone to get the licence. Kota Kinabalu (home) has many beautiful dive sites and dive companies that you can choose from.

I also got my drivers license in January! Whoop whoop!

I've been working for 3 months as well at a Taiwanese dessert shop called ZenQ. Met some friendly people. Can't believe it has been 3 months! However, tomorrow (which is about half an hour away) is my last day of work. I've decided 3 months of work is enough and I'm looking forward to enjoying my last few months of freedom as well as helping me parents with whatever I can. Excited!

Another exciting news is that I'm going to HONG KONG in May! I can't wait! Like finally a holiday overseas. I'll definitely blog about that when i'm there. So ecstatic to see the city and eat their wide varieties of food! Yum! Stay tuned for that.

So yeah, that's about it actually. I'll try to discipline myself to blog once a week. Let's see how that goes.

Thanks for reading till the end of this post. Can't believe you did!


Dive Downbelow website link: