Sunday, 14 June 2020

2019 | Better late than never

How do I put it into words?

2018 came and went. ''I pretty much zoned out in 2018, it was my first full year of work-life, ''adulting'', trying to get my shit together kind of year. 
Saw, experienced, learnt lots of cool stuff; Chased discs, moved to a new place, splurged on a One Republic concert, attended weddings, got tanned from work, went to Bali to get more sun as if the UV rays back home wasn't enough. 
Work and worked more. Went home for Christmas and BAM, the end. 
Welcome, 2019. 
I wish I could say the usual, ''New Year New Me BS'' and tell you a list of all the goals and resolutions I set for myself going into a new year, but I'm going to be realistic. None of that happened, I went into 2019 like any other years I have done previously, head straight, do what you have to do, enjoy the ride and don't lose your mind in the process. 

It seems like time has all but merged into a crazy amalgamation of flashbacks and uncertainties. 

Call me nostalgic, but with everything that's been going on in the world today, I think its safe to say we should all look back and reflect on the past and perhaps look forward to what is to come. However bleak it may seem for now.

Highlights of 2019 in pictures because words can be boring:

Leaving home is never easy.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling
That was work life. 

Went to Japan to see some Orange Pillars.

Paid entry to a highrise building just to see other highrise buildings. Oh, and there's the Tokyo Tower.

Went home for a short R&R. Tinggi-tinggi~

Stayed on an oil rig turned dive rig. 

Got inspired volunteering for TEDx Bangsar.
Rest In Peace Godfrey Gao

Got to know and hang out with a bunch of crazy individuals who brought laughter and joy all around. 

Snuck back home to celebrate the Queens 60th and retirement.

Oh, did I mention some of the crazies I had the privilege to work with?

Strolled up the mountain. Had it with the darn weather. Took a selfie nonetheless. 

Moved to Singapore. What?

Had '0' personal space whilst headbanging to Swedish House Mafias comeback after 5 years of a break/hiatus at the Singapore F1 Grand Prix.

Saw lots of the insides of a plane than the inside of my room.

From food-scapades in Hong Kong

Getting sick from eating sashimi in Patong, cause I'm an idiot.

Chasing sunsets in Greece.

Taking random hikes in Santorini

To One Republic gigs in Bangkok

Visiting hipster cafes in Bali

Took a trip back down memory lane as 2019 was coming to a close.

Ended the year. Right here. Mi casa y Mi familia.

Lessons from 2019, queue Pussy Cat Dolls chorus for ''When I Grow Up''. 

What a year. A whirlpool of emotions, from mental breakdowns to tons of *Bleep* this shit, from amazing conversations over fancy food to friendships forged over circumstances. 
The great unknown is what makes this life so bloody exciting and scary at the same time. But if you stop and look back at how far you've come, the things you've been through beyond the la-di-da, it's the little things that matter in the end. The take away from your own mistakes and from the people that you come across. Not forgetting the life-altering decisions that you have to make and all the doubt that hits back throughout the course of this journey. 
I don't think there's any better way to end this entry than a fitting poem written by Wendell Berry titled ''Our Real Work''. 

It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.

 PS. Can't wait for the end of 2020. Oh, wait. It's just 6 months away. BRB

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