Monday 2 December 2013

December 1st

This shall be one of my deep personal post: Therefore, it is warned that you may be bored.

Today started off with finding out that one of my favourite actors growing up passed away~Paul Walker

I remember the first movie I watched was 2 fast 2 furious. I still remember thinking how cool that movie was and how handsome he looked. Bearing in mind I was 10 when I first watched that movie. To the extent of printing his picture out and sticking them on my study desk back home which to this day still exists probably a bit faded out.
I was baffled by the news; it was just unreal; truly saddened. Reading up on his last moments it's scary how one minute that person you talked to could be gone the next. Makes you wonder when will it be your turn.

The day progressed and I went to church. 10 brothers and sisters in Christ got baptised. It was a joy to witness this day even being away from home. At least there's something to be happy about and remind you that life still carries on and there's always little things to celebrate on.

It was a beautiful Sunday, blue skies and sunshine ;after I got back to my room. I decided to go for a walk and stopped by at the charity book store. As I browsed through the shelves a book caught my eye 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. I've known about this book and seen it back home but never had the chance of getting it. So I got the book and it was only 2GBP. Decided to get some afternoon tea at the Cafe nearby where I sat down and got engrossed reading the book.

Few hours later, ie. Now. I just finished the book. One thing for sure that purchase was worth it.
Where should I start. The book was about death. Well to make it less depressing, lessons learnt from a dying man.

I'd love to write about what the book says and everything in it that is so relevant and hits you right in the face but I wont because you yourself have to experience reading the book and learn something valuable from it.
You might learn something that I might not have gotten. Each person will have a different perspective.

However, I shall leave you with a few quotes from the book by Morrie Schwartz.

 'We all have the same beginning-birth-
and we all have the same end-death. So how different can we be?
'Invest in the human family.Invest in people. Build a little community
of those you love and who love you.'    

'Everyone knows they're going to die', 'but nobody believes it.' If we did, 
we would do things differently.

'Death ends a life, not a relationship'

I guess the matter of fact is. Death is real. Like it or not. I've read so much about people close from home who passed, the things other people say and the impact they had on other people's lives. Those will be the the memories that will remain. Even when that person is not around.

Just like Paul Walker, before he passed he was at a charity event held by his own organisation Reach Out Worldwide which was raising funds for the Philippines victims. Although he may be gone but his service to others in need will be the memory of many. 

Lastly, at the end of the book. One paragraph caught my eye:

Have you ever really had a teacher? 
One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, 
a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine?
If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers,
you will always find your way back.

It's crazy how things happen in your daily life that jolts you back to your senses and how it reminds you of things that are relevant. 
I'm lucky and blessed to know of a teacher, a counsellor, a father figure of such who saw me as something so precious who devoted his love and time to shape me and till this day mould me so that one day I'll be a polished proud shine. To know that though I stray far and get lost in this worldly maze. I could always find my way back to Him. 
To those who have not found such a teacher. He is there if you have the desire to seek him. Always welcoming and always loving.

(To you who read this till the end; I hope I made sense. If I didn't I hope it'll make sense to you one day. But thank you anyway. XXXX )

In remembrance to those who left the earth and joined the angels in heaven


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